Agroalimentaire : La 3ème édition de “The FoodEshow” du 21 au 24 novembre
The Foodeshow, le premier salon virtuel international de l’alimentation, revient pour sa troisième édition du 21 au 24 novembre 2021, ont annoncé les organisateurs.
Plus de 2000 visiteurs, dont 200 exposants et 300 acheteurs, sont attendus lors cette 3e édition pour débattre et échanger sur l’avenir de l’agro-alimentaire. Etalé sur 4 jours, le programme est conçu pour répondre aux besoins de tous avec des panels discussion pour permettre l’échange entre producteurs, distributeurs et clients et des keynote speeches avec des experts de renommées internationales pour mettre en lumière les enjeux actuels du secteur.
Du 21 au 24 Novembre 2020 : 3ème édition The Foodeshow, le salon virtuel de l’agro-alimentaire
The Foodeshow, le premier salon virtuel international de l’alimentation, revient pour sa troisième édition du 21 au 24 novembre 2021. Forts de la réussite qu’ont connu les deux premières rencontres avec près de 2500 participant-e-s cumulé-e-s, les organisateurs abordent cette nouvelle rencontre dans la même perspective. MORE
The Foodeshow
The Foodeshow is a platform to connect and engage ventures and communities in the food industry ecosystem to explore new ideas, discover creative models and innovative concepts to shape your future. Free foods- Frozen goods – Grain products and pastas – Herbs, spices and seasonings – Honey and apicultural products – Mineral water and non – alcoholic beverages. Exchange and network with potential customers, suppliers and partners from all over the world and discover a new digital and modern event experience from home or office.
The foodeshow is a virtual boutique food show designed to foster unique opportunities and authentic connections for businesses from over 100 countries. The foodeshow is led by its co-founders, Jalal Benbrahim and Heuda Guessous, to tackle the challenges and needs of organizations operating in the food business.Early on, Jalal and Heuda have met in a food event organized in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 2017. They have discussed potential collaborations between their companies, Wink Consulting, and Greativa Consulting Group. Their vision has been about changing the way people did business. The idea has been placed in the back burner until the opportunity presented itself in 2019. Since then, they engaged in multiple successful projects in Morocco and abroad.
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Le Matin – La 3e édition du Foodeshow démarre le 21 novembre
La troisième édition du salon virtuel international de l’alimentation, The Foodeshow, est programmée du 21 au 24 novembre prochain. Ce rendez-vous devrait connaitre la participation de plus de 2.000 visiteurs, dont 200 exposants et 250 acheteurs. Cette année, l’événement sera marqué par le lancement du prix «Ennovation Awards» qui récompense l’innovation dans le secteur agro-alimentaire. Ce concours est destiné aux entreprises et organisations ayant lancé des produits et services sur le marché courant 2020 et 2021. Ces dernières pourront concourir dans cinq catégories à savoir le produit de l’année, le service de l’année, le Clean label and natural Ennovation Award, le meilleur packaging et le sustainability Ennovation award. Engagé à promouvoir l’entrepreneuriat féminin, le salon prévoit des stands collectifs offerts aux organismes mettant en avant les exportatrices des produits agroalimentaires, emballages ou services relatifs au secteur.
Why innovation is important in Food Tech Industry
The food industry went from a completely monopolized business into an open space where new ideas can flourish. You can have fewer resources than the leading business companies yet find support to improve your innovative idea. It’s now more about reinventing the existing products to serve the customer more efficiently while keeping the industry up-to-date with the new trends.
Most mission-driven startups have genuine and impactful stories. That’s why people are more likely to identify with those brands and value their mission compared to large corporate businesses. They are also the part of the industry that inspires innovation and creates trends around it.
Now, let’s explore some of the leading mission statements in Food Tech and why following trends is doing the greatest good to the industry.
Mission statement
The mission statement reflects every feature of the food value chain and responds to the underlying challenges in each category: the range and nature of the products, pricing, quality, service, marketplace position, growth potential, use of technology, and the relationships with customers, employees, suppliers, competitors, and the entire community.
For Iryna- the CEO of the FoodTechInnovation startup- being concerned about the safety of her own kids that first got her into the industry. She says:
It was the moment when I faced the problem of what I can actually buy in the supermarket. And I started being very attentive to the label of any food box that I take from the shelf— Iryna Gavrylova
Quality has become the in-demand business mission statement. People carefully browse through the data at the back of products before they decide to pick one. Either because of the accessibility to knowledge in the medical field, which has been long regarded sacred or because of people’s reviews on certain foods that you can find all across the internet. This pushes entrepreneurs like Iryna to step in and make a change in the industry.
Some of the leading mission statements in the food industry also include; health-centered food production, accessibility to food on a wider range, affordable quality food, efficiency in food making, environmental sustainability, local food appreciation, etc.
Trends are basically emerging or popular concerns of people in a certain context. In the context of health-related mission statements, let’s take the COVID19 situation as an example of the most recent trend.
Before the pandemic, business ideas in food tech have been spinning around a variety of techniques to satisfy community needs; such as implementing new biotechnology and presenting products in all shapes and sizes to serve multiple functions. After the pandemic, however, more concerns on health have occurred. Therefore, there’s become more demand for better alternatives to existing options.
According to Amir Zaidman, the cofounder of TheKitchenHub, these are the main categories where we can see major trends during the pandemic:
- Food Quality
Quality is such a huge concern for consumers now. Companies are investing more in products that can take labels of healthy food; healthy snacks to replace high caloric ones, food that boosts the immunity system, whole unfiltered food, and more. Some take food production to the next level following studies that have proved animal-based food consumption affects people’s lives. And so more plant-based protein products and even insect-based protein products are being pulled to the market.
- Cooking
Covid19 has forced people to do everything at home, most of all cooking. Tutorials and courses everywhere are inviting people to learn cooking and make their own food at home. A lot of content about time-friendly cooking is taking over the web. And we can see innovative ideas of smart kitchen equipment to help people cook more efficiently. All working together to build a better food consumption experience that serves healthy eating and overall well-being during Covid19 lockdown.
- Shopping for food
We have been gradually walking towards the online shopping experience. But because of the pandemic, it has become a lifestyle. Food delivery allowed people to enjoy food from their favorite restaurants in the comfort of their homes. It was a necessity during the lockdown, but now it is also generating countless opportunities for companies such as home-based small enterprises to grow.
- Food manufacturing
The process of mixing up ingredients has been reshaped by numerous trends. But what has become highly prevalent nowadays because of the pandemic is introducing automation to food manufacturing (robotics in food manufacturing). The initiation to this growing aspect of the food value chain was due to the spread of the virus in manufacturing communities.
To learn more about innovation in food tech, check out our panel discussion with Mr. Amir Zaidman and Ms. Iryna Gavrylova.