The concept

An International Conference of Industry Leaders

Our concept

A boutique virtual food platform catering to buyers, suppliers, and services providers in the processed food value chain.
Selective platform focusing on innovation, new products and services, future forward, learn and adaptation created to democratize access to market to companies all over the globe, no matter their size, the number of SKUs they produce or their location on the map.
The Foodeshow offers Best positive return on investment for lead generation,learning events, brand engagement
Our slogan : Connect – Adapt – Engage
We cater to all foodindustry sub sectors, processing, food service, retail et etail and invite buyers from all sectors and continents.




The FoodEshow eliminates the transport of people and material, which reduces the carbon footprint. It also eliminates the production of material that will ultimately go to waste such as handouts and posters branded specifically for the normal events.



Easier to track lead generation

We make it easier to provide prospects with downloadable material and track the data in quantity and quality.


Big Money savings

In addition to all the transport and accommodation expenses, we save you money on building material, sample transportation, logistics and printing costs.



Time saving and long lasting

Not only we save you time on travel and booth setup, but we house your Ebooth for 4 months free of charge.



We assist you before and during the show with Webinars as well as demos to help make the most bang for your buck


Unique buyer program VIB

We have designed a unique buyer program VIB to connect you with decision makers with large purchasing power in different parts of the world. Both in retail and food service.

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How can we help you?
